Bear Hunting Trips

Alaska Bear Hunting
Black Bear and Brown Bear Hunting Outfitter, Barela's Alaskan Outfitters, is located in Wasilla, Alaska.
Barela's Alaskan Outfitters located in Wasilla, Alaska offers Bear Hunting for Black Bear, Brown Bear, and Glacier Bear. When hunting with Barela's Outfitters you are in “no man’s land” you are in the true wilderness; the only way to get to camp will be by airplane or a very, very long boat ride. There are no roads, this is the “Bush of Alaska” that you have always read and seen in the movies. Brown Bears will be on the salmon rivers in the fall and during the spring Black Bears will be around berries and beach grass and will make for an exciting spot and stalk hunting experience. The highlight of the spring hunting experience is that you are inside the living domain of the Glacier Bear. This is a very small topographical and ecosystem area where these unique and rare animals live and can be hunted. The Barela's Alaskan Outfitters' goal is to fulfill your dream of a successful Alaskan Big Game Hunting Adventure.

Washington & Oregon Bear Hunting
Upfront Outfitters is located in both Washington and Oregon State. Over the counter tags Available for both states Spring & Fall Hunts
All of our Bear Hunts are very exciting and 100% Fair Chase. Successful methods that we use for Bear Hunting include spot and stalk, calling and setting up in blinds or tree stands in feeding areas. We spend a lot of time glassing older clear cuts where the Black Bears feed daily. During the Fall Bear Hunting they feed frequently presenting plenty of opportunity for the patient bear hunter. We target large Black Bears that will average 6ft and bigger with a 7ft Black Bear being very realistic. With the vast amount of dense forest land, logging clear-cuts filled with berries and salmon filled streams this is a Bear Hunting paradise.
Black Bear and Brown Bear Hunting Trip Reviews
Here you will find Bear Hunting reviews for some of the best bear hunting in the States. All of the listings here fit into a specific category which is that they must offer one or more of the following items.
Each of our Bear Hunting Outfitters must have at least one of the following, lodging available, meals, abundance of bear, active bait stations or CRP, stands in place, and maintain a 100% bear sighting success rate per bear hunting trip. Please keep in mind that the harvest success rates for any outfitter is only as good as the hunter can shoot. You really should be asking how many bear I should expect to see each day or throughout my hunting trip.
Below the listings is a contact form to request additional information or speak directly to the outfitter. Connect with their Facebook page to stay updated on bear harvests or specials throughout the year or be added to our email list which sends out quarterly specials for these and other great outfitters and ranches. Good luck bear hunting this season from all of us at Ranch Review and Outfitter Connection.